Här lite bilder ifrån bröllopet på Larssons Lada i Nykvarn Juli 2022
där vi var med hela dagen.
Började med förberedelser i Ladan och vidare ut till Taxinge slott där vi tog porträtten.. Det är verkligen en dröm för en fotograf med den naturen runt slottet. Dagen var mycket varm och solen sken starkt. Lika mycket sken brudparet som verkligen bjöd upp till både stillsamma sköna bilder med ännu mera bus och det slutade med ett dopp i sjölva bröllopsklänningen. Vi har sällan skådat liknande men denna heldag glömmer vi aldrig.
Wedding between Jennifer & Tore
Here are some pictures from the wedding at Larssons Lada in Nykvarn July 2022 where we were with all day.
Started with preparations in the barn and on to Taxinge castle where we took the portraits.. It really is a photographer's dream with that nature around the castle. The day was very hot and the sun was shining brightly.Just as much, the bride and groom who really offered up both quiet beautiful pictures with even more mischief and it ended with a dip in the silver wedding dress. We have rarely seen anything like it, but we will never forget this whole day.
Rönnlunds foto
Photographers Janne & Lotta
We are 2 very committed photographers who work together and help you with photography of your great wedding day.
We complement each other with Jan's instant capture and Lotte's sense of detail.